Thursday, June 2, 2011

Well, its Been Awhile

I can't believe it has taken me this long to get back to blogging. I am hoping that I will be able to stay on track this time. So much has gone on in out little world. We are done with homeschooling for the year and we both survived. I am not sure I will do that again. I would love to but my world is just too crazy. I feel that we accomplished what we set out to and I believe he will be ready to head back to school in the fall.
To recap what has been going on in our life for the last nine months. Andrew turned one (October)and decided to start walking. My sister had her second little girl (November). My husband went into the hospital in December for a week. Back in the hospital and surgery in January, business went under, and lost everything. By the end of Jan we had moved into my in-laws house with them. We have now spent 6 months with them and my husband is back in the hospital. He has been in the ICU for 13 days and I am not sure how much longer he will be staying. We also had the surprise of our life...I'm pregnant. Not something we wanted or was even trying in our situation. However, God apparently has other plans for us. So for now trying to get back on my feet and care for all my kids and prepare for a new baby in December.
With all the craziness and on going changes in our life I am hoping that I will find the time to post. I have been reading like crazy on my Kindle so maybe I will even post about some of the books I am reading. There will be no pics for awhile I am using my in-laws computer and unable to upload.
Well, until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back!! Congrats on the new baby! I am keeping your hubby in my prayers! Hoping for a speedy recovery for him! Take care and God bless!!
